合成纤维耐高温过滤棉 产品特性: * 采用芳纶合成纤维以非织物迭合制成,风阻小,透气性好,性能稳定耐化学性强; * 20mm日本进口合成纤维耐高温过滤棉性能稳定:可在220℃高温下长期使用而**化,而且尺寸稳定性较佳,在250℃左右的热收缩率仅为1%,短时间暴露于300℃高中也不会收缩、脆化、软化或者融熔,只在370℃以上的开始分解,400℃左右开始碳化; * 我司自行研究开发的10mm厚度的米白色合成纤维过滤棉可在200℃高温下长期使用,可按客户要求定做宽幅1.6米以内的各种特殊规格。可用于制作高温板式、折叠过滤器,高温过滤袋,填补了国内高温折叠过滤器和过滤袋的生产技术空白,良好于国内其他生产过滤材料的厂家,解决了我国高温合成纤维材料一直依赖进口材料的局面。 * 阻燃性能佳,不自燃,不助燃,有自熄性,火烧不溶滴,产生少量烟雾,自然碳化. 用途: 广泛用于化工厂、火电厂、碳黑厂、水泥厂、石灰厂、炼焦厂、冶炼厂、沥青厂、喷漆厂以及电弧炉、油锅炉、焚化炉的高烟道和热空气过滤,过滤高温烘房中产生的焦油、煤烟、灰尘等颗粒;既能有效除尘,又能抵抗有害烟雾的化学侵蚀。 技术参数:Specification 型号 Type 厚度Thicknessmm 测试风速 Test Air Velocity(m/s) 平均计重效率Average Arrestance(EN779) 初阻力Initial Resistance(pa) 容尘量 Dust Holding Capacity (g/m2) 标准尺寸Size (m) 耐温度Temperature Resistance ℃ AE-100 10 1.5 80 20 1850 1.6m*20m 200 AI-100W 20 1.5 90 35 2100 500*500 250 注:可根据需要定制不同规格. Note: Special Size Available Upon Request. High temperature synthetic filter media Specialty: * High temperature synthetic filter media is adopted Aromatic polyamide synthetic fiber in form of non-woven. It is featured with low air resistance, good air permeability, stable performance, excellent chemical resistance. * Stable performance: High temperature synthetic filter media can be used at 220℃ without aging. The contraction percentage is just 1% at 250℃ with excellent size stability. There is no contraction, no embitterment, no softening or melting at 300℃. Heat resistance filter media can be decomposed at above 370℃ and carbonized at about 400℃. * Excellent flame retardance, no self-ignition, no oxidizing, with self-extinguishing, no melting drops, little mist, natural carbonizing when flamed. Application: High temperature synthetic filter media is widely used in ovens or other place which is high temperature. Not only for dust extraction, but also for avoid chemical erosion and against poisonous gas.